Installing TrueType fonts in Ubuntu
Ubuntu comes with a great font, but would it be nice to change this? Of course, it is possible.
The first step is to find the fond you like. I personally like YourSmile.ttf. Thanks to Wino S Kadir.
Now, there's two (2) way to install your font:
For all users
This will install the font for all users in your system. First copy the font to the /usr/share/fonts
sudo cp YourSmile.ttf /usr/share/fonts
For a single user
This will install the font for a specific user in your system. First copy the font to the folder of the user, example: ~/.fonts
sudo cp YourSmile.ttf /usr/share/fonts
Once the font is installed, we need to build font information cache files:
fc-cache -fv
The -f
flags means to force re-generation of apparently up-to-date cache files, overriding the timestamp checking.
The -v
flags means to display status information while busy.