My .vimrc
.vimrc is the config file for Vim. It is usually stored in the home directory of the user. Here's the most common feature I have in my .vimrc file.
set nowrap "set showmatch set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set expandtab set ruler set foldcolumn=2 set nowrap nmap <F8> :set wrap! wrap?<CR> " change // style comment to phpDoc comment nmap <F1> :s/\(.*\)\/\/ \(.*\)/\/**\r *\r *\r * \2\r *\r * @param\r * @return\r *\/<CR> map <C-P> :!phpcs --standard=SW -l %<CR> map <C-E> :!php -l %<CR> map <C-M> :NoMatch<CR> set hlsearch "set incsearch set background=dark "set textwidth=1000 "set number "set backspace=indent,eol,start set noshowmatch set number syntax on "set NoMatch let g:loaded_matchparen=1 highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=darkgray guibg=lightgrey set colorcolumn=120